Westport History

Through a partnership between the WVS and Kelley House Museum, a local history was published in October 2012. This volume was the result of a community history project WVS has been pursuing for over a decade. Many local people contributed images, stories, and research. You may purchase it at the Westport Community Store or write WVS at P.O. Box 446, Westport CA 95488. Please send a $20 donation to cover the book and library rate shipping with your mailing address. It is also available at local outlets such as the Westport Store.

The WVS has been involved in preserving and sharing local history for many years. History slide shows are occasionally offered at the Community Center/Church (see Calendar). The WVS actively collects local history materials such as photographs, maps, oral history, and physical objects in an effort to make them available to the community for research and enjoyment. We hope to find a secure local facility that can be used as an archive at some future time. For now, this web page will provide our primary way to share the materials we have gathered. We also encourage you to visit the excellent web sites offered by other local archives such as the Kelley House Museum and Held-Poage Museum.

WVS continues collecting and preserving all types of local historical records, oral history, photographs, and other memorabilia. Please contact us at WVS if you would like to donate or share copies of historical information. If you prefer to retain your materials, we can make arrangements to electronically scan images and documents if you are willing to share them wiht the community. Our long term plan is to make the information we have collected accessible on this web site. You may acquire prints or electronic copies of photographs owned by the WVS by filling out a Photo Request. Use of WVS images is subject to the conditions listed on that form and payment of fees.

We offer the following resources to assist you in learning more about the history of the local area. These files are supplied in two formats for your convenience. You may either open the file with a left click or save the file on your computer by right clicking on the link, choosing "save as," and selecting the location on your computer where you'd like to place the download file.

Spreadsheet of Federal Population Census Data, 1850-1930
Spreadsheet of local people/businesses listed in various19th century directories
Spreadsheet of known local shipwrecks compiled from various sources
Spreadsheet of land patents, claimants, and grant dates
Spreadsheet listing people buried in all local cemeteries (from historical data)
Westport Cemetery Inventory (2015 list; see also maps of monuments and plots)
Westport Cemetery map of plots
Westport Cemetery map of monuments
WVS Historic Photo List

You may send requests for electronic copies of historical photographs to WVS. Donations are appreciated to assist us in responding to your requests.